Our Indian Runner ladies  lay the delicious duck eggs available in the market March through October!

Indian Runner Ducks

Zeus is a Husky-Collie mix who was rescued by the farm in April of 2017. He is the head of our "Meet and Greet Department" so don't be surprised if he greets you at your car with a big kiss. He loves kids and can't believe how much his life has changed since coming to the farm! Pure Freedom!





Brenda's pet cows can be spotted moving across the farm grazing and fertilizing the land. The matriarch of the herd is Clementine who had two daughters- Lucy and Cadbury. Lucy had a daughter of her own named Cassy.

Animals on the Farm:


Charlie runs the show here at Milk House Farm. He is a husky, a breed known for its energy, stamina, thick fur, triangular ears and strength. Huskies are known to perform extremely well as sled dogs and farm mascots!

Hope has found her forever home here on our farm. She was adopted from Ross Mill Farm in Richboro, PA which is a sanctuary for homeless potbellied pigs from around the country.

Hope is a Vietnamese potbellied pig. She came to us in August 2014 and seems to love her new home. She is pretty shy but enjoys her habitat and all the veggies she can eat!